Start Today!
The Program Yourself Thin System
The #1 Hypnosis Program for Fast,
Permanent Weight Loss*
*based on results
Everything you get...
8 Weeks of Daily 5 Minute Hypnosis Sessions with Embedded Weight Loss Mantras (57 total)
The "Redo/Rehearsal" Technique - a powerful self hypnosis technique you can immediately use to program yourself thin
Weight Mastery Blueprint - your personalized roadmap for getting back to your goal weight quickly and staying there.
Special Bonuses:
Get Started Today!
1 payment of $297
2 payments of $167
(one now, one in 30 days)
Get Immediate. Lifetime Access
A Breakdown of Everything You'll Get...
The hypnosis sessions program your subconscious mind to make you thin.
It only takes 5 minutes in the morning.
There is no easier way to get dramatic results. Just relax, listen and lose weight.
This powerful 2 minute self hypnosis technique (designed for a total beginner) transforms your behavior at the source and creates PERMANENT changes in the way your brain perceives food.
Instead of fighting against your mind, program it to make you thin.
This is the most powerful way to take control of your weight once and for all.
The "Redo/Rehearsal" Technique rewires your brain to make healthier choices that slim you down on near auto-pilot.
This Weight Mastery Blueprint is your personalized step-by-step roadmap for getting back to your goal weight quickly and staying there.
This fill-in-the-blank plan is designed 100% around you. Your unique likes, dislikes and lifestyle so you get the fastest results possible in a way that is comfortable and easy for you to maintain.
This is the exact weight mastery blueprint I used to drop 54 pounds and continue to use to keep it off for over 30 years without ever dieting…. Now available for you to use for your own amazing results.
Plus These Special Bonuses...
Bonus #1
Sleepnosis Sessions
($297 Value)
In the evening, listen to your 10 minute Sleepnosis Session. These "deep programming" sessions train your mind to naturally make healthier choices on auto-pilot.
Each session includes a "Core Weight Mastery Mantra". Listen to these as you're guided into a deep sleep that lasts all night long and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to thrive.
Bonus #2
Weight Mastery Workshops
($997 Value)
Professionally Produced Trainings in Hi-Def Video and MP3 format
Dive into the best strategies to master your mindset, lifestyle, and eating habits, empowering you to take control of your weight once and for all.
Bonus #3
Hypnotic Lap Band
($297 Value)
Close your eyes, relax, and shrink your stomach (hypnotically).
With this virtual lap band placed around your stomach, you'll feel satisfied with smaller portions, making it easier than ever to reach your weight loss goals and feel amazing!
Bonus #4
PYT Lifestyle Program
($397 Value)
Bonus #5
Hypnosis Library
($997 Value)
Supercharge your weight loss journey with this comprehensive weight mastery hypnosis session library!
Over 25 powerful sessions. Each designed to motivate, empower, and reprogram your mind for long-lasting success.
Bonus #6
Weight Loss Motivation Matrix
($197 Value)
8 Weeks of Live Classes
($997 Value)
I’m going to personally take you through the program each week through 8 live classes Tuesday at 3pm EST.
You’ll be able to ask questions at the end of each class and replays will be available after to watch.
Weight loss made easy CONVENIENT
The entire program is delivered to your phone through our custom app. As soon as you join it's like being wrapped in a weight loss cocoon. You'll receive the Program Yourself Thin Technique and your daily hypnosis sessions right through your phone so you can easily reinforce the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that will make you thin. You’ll be able to access all features and bonuses right through the app so it’s always at your fingertips and you’re never alone on this journey.
Discover the exact technique these people said were responsible for their success. This is simply the best mindset training for weight loss available.
Start Today!
The Program Yourself Thin System
The #1 Hypnosis Program for Fast,
Permanent Weight Loss*
*based on results
Get Started Today!
1 payment of $297
2 payments of $167
(one now, one in 30 days)
Get Immediate. Lifetime Access
I've successfully helped thousands of clients lose weight."
And I guarantee you can get the same incredible results... all from the comfort of your home."
Tracy Gets In The
Best Shape Of Her Life!
Jolene Drops
Over 50 Pounds!
Carol Finally Takes Control Of Her Weight!
Marianne Keeps The Weight Off For Over 2 Years
Peter Drops Over 70 Pounds!
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically.
- Peter Putnam Walpole, NH
Connie Drops 18 Pounds and
Her Husband Reverses Type 2 Diabetes
"As I went through the program, it helped my husband, as well. He actually reversed his type 2 diabetes. I shed 18 pounds and am going to achieve my target weight soon.
My waist no longer curves out and my clothes fit more comfortably. "
- Connie Brown Alabama
Their Secret?
A Revolutionary, Real Answer to Changing Your Health
Start Today!
The Program Yourself Thin System
The #1 Hypnosis Program for Fast,
Permanent Weight Loss*
*based on results
Everything you get...
8 Weeks of Daily 5 Minute Hypnosis Sessions with Embedded Weight Loss Mantras (57 total)
The "Redo/Rehearsal" Technique - a powerful self hypnosis technique you can immediately use to program yourself thin
Weight Mastery Blueprint - your personalized roadmap for getting back to your goal weight quickly and staying there.
Special Bonuses:
Get Started Today!
1 payment of $297
2 payments of $167
(one now, one in 30 days)
Get Immediate. Lifetime Access
As Soon As You Complete Your Order
"If you're tired of battling bad habits, clashing with cravings and struggling to stop eating, it's time to... Program Yourself Thin"
If You're Reading This, I Want To Tell You Something
The Choice Is Now Yours
My name is Jim Katsoulis and I may be able to help you finally lose the weight for good and get healthy again (or for the first time).
I've spent the last 20 years helping people create the health and happiness they'd always wanted, but were unable to make happen on their own.
Having lost my father to a heart attack when he was only 54, weight loss is much more to me then just looking good in a bathing suit, it's literally life and death.
My own weight loss and health journey began over 27 years ago when I was 50 pounds heavier than I am right now.
I consider it a miracle that I was exposed to Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Yoga.
It gave me the power to take control of my mind, my eating and ultimately my life. I transformed my lifestyle and lost the 50 pounds FOR GOOD.
But, I didn't just lose weight, I felt alive. I had more energy and vitality than ever. And the best part was that I was doing this all without dieting or excessive exercising.
I was so excited about my results that I walked away from a career in finance and became certified in Hypnosis, NLP and Yoga so I could help others experience the same results.
I opened up a Hypnosis Office and specialized in helping people lose weight and become healthier. Over the last 20 years I've been fortunate enough to do over 5,000 private weight loss and health coaching sessions.
My mission in life is to help as many people as possible live at their goal weight.
One of the great joys in my life is helping people recapture their sense of excitement, passion, and gratitude by transforming their bodies and health. And I believe this program is one of the most unique and effective ways to do that. I know from personal experience after using these methods on myself and others that they can help even when everything else has failed.
More Program Yourself Thin Testimonials
“I've had wonderful results, so far I've lost almost 40 lbs...
Tammy M - Houston, TX
“I recently completed your Program Yourself Thin course, and I must say, I have had wonderful results so far. I have lost almost 40 lbs, and now walk more or less regularly 2X a day. Had you told me 3 months ago I would be doing all this on a regular basis (or even once in awhile), I would have told you you were NUTS. I have about 90 pounds to go to my goal weight, and can actually visualize myself finishing this .I have never been able to get all my ducks in a row for serious weight loss before this, and I am very pleased.”
“I feel free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life...”
Mary Pellino - Montreal, CA
“65 Pounds gone. This is how everyone is going to create the body they want. It makes so much sense. Just a few of the things I learned changed my entire life. Everyone should learn this stuff. It is amazing how much happier I am living the way I do now. I was at a point where I didn’t know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I’m free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I’ve ever been on.”
"I've never felt so much confidence in my body..."
Kathryn, Baker, ID
Thank you Jim for making this program. I’m happy to report that because of Program Yourself Thin I’ve never felt so much confidence in my body. I had trouble believing you at first that you could be fat and confident, but I could. And once I began feeling good about myself the weight came off easily and stayed off. 26 Pounds of it! Your approach to change is amazing because it’s so easy and it’s so effective.
“Letting go of my old habits and beliefs has been a totally new experience...”
Peter, Delft, Holland
Hi Jim, You couldn’t imagine what I’m learning from you – not only your weight loss course, which is excellent – but also in the area of customer satisfaction! I must say that letting go of my old habits and beliefs is a totally new experience for me. I used the Atkins diet to lose weight, and what I did was totally counter productive. So, long story short, thank you thank you thank you thank you! And thank you again!
"35 Pounds in 3 months. The most success I've ever had..."
Anne - La Jolla, CA
“Amazing. 35 pounds in 3 months. The most success I’ve had ever, and the best part is that it was so easy. I’ve lost weight before, but it was always so stressful because I knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t be able to keep up the diet and that it wouldn’t last.This time it feels completely natural and automatic. I am literally a new person. I really do think, act, and respond like a thin person, which is amazing because I had been overweight since before I was a teenager. Your program made it so clear for me and I want you to know that it has changed my life.”
"I'm keeping my part of the bargain. PYT has helped me drop 40 pounds..."
Mark A - Portland, OR
“Jim, I writing to keep up my part of our bargain. “Program Yourself Thin” has changed my life by 40 pounds. And this is coming from a total skeptic. I got to admit I didn’t know if I believed at first, but I figured “what the hell, there’s a guarantee”, I’m so glad I did. Having this new body is great, but it is nothing compared to how I feel now. I used to be avoid going out because I felt no confidence, but now I just enjoy myself. It is so much better. And another thing that is so cool, is how people are always coming up to me and asking how I did it. The attention is really fun. Thank you, Jim”
"A great investment you can use over and over to stay on track..."
Caryn, Arlington, VA
It’s not about the food, it’s about what’s going on in your head. Jim’s programs get at what it really takes to change. The audio programs are a great investment you can use over and over to help yourself get and stay on track for better health.
“I'm now 38 pounds lighter! And have maintained it for over a year...”
Teresa, Burlington, VT
As someone who tried everything I can tell you, this is by far the best approach there is to losing weight for good. I didn’t lose a lot at first, but because of your course I continued eating well. And I’m now 38 pounds lighter! And have stayed at the same weight for the last year.
“Program Yourself Thin is amazing...”
Angie, Keene, NH
The Program Yourself Thin course is really amazing and lives up to its promises. Your coaching and teaching is really the key to success. Thanks so much and I look forward to continuing this process with you.
“I've lost 50 pounds to date...”
Anthony, Edmonton, Canada
You give great insight and blow the sensationalists out of the water. With your information and support and my effort I’ve lost 50 pounds to date. My goal is getting closer, Thanks.
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